Weather and average temperatures in Yosemite, California 2018

(559) 683-7720

Narrow Gauge Inn
48571 Highway 41
Fish Camp, California

Average monthly Low/High Temperatures:

January 34 to 51 degrees Fahrenheit

February 38 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit

March 43 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit

April 44 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit

May 48 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit

June 55 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit

July 60 to 94 degrees Fahrenheit

August 62 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit

September 60 to 94 degrees Fahrenheit

October 54 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit

November 43 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit

December 38 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit

If you plan to visit the Sierras, Yosemite, Fish Camp, Bass Lake, Oakhurst, or Coarsegold please check the weather conditions at the lodge you will be staying at. Conditions may vary by elevations.

Narrow Gauge Inn is at about 5,000 feet elevation.

(559) 683-7720 
Call and ask for the most current conditions.
